Bringing together industry experts to share their knowledge and experience in a concise, quality format.

CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is a requirement in NSW for all residential builders and pool builders who must undertake 12 CPD points per year to maintain their building licence. CPD Seminar attendees can earn up to 12 CPD points (full day), covering their full annual requirement. If a partner or business associate accompanies an attendee they can accumulate up to four extra CPD points which can be carried over to your next year's requirement.


CPD Seminars for 2024


Liverpool - Thursday 19 September 2024

Rosehill - Thursday 14 November 2024



 The 2024 CPD Series features the following presenters and their respective topics:

1. Understanding the National Construction Code; Presented by Ben Ryan - MBA Housing & Technical Officer, MBA

- NCC Condensation Management

- Energy Efficiency Compliance for Houses

- Using NCC Referenced Documents

Housing & Technical | Master Builders Association (


2. Build Stronger, Faster, Safer, Better. Build with Steel Framing; Steve Merheb - Managing Director, Metframe

- Discover the different applications of Light Gauge Steel (LGS) framing and its benefits

- How does Light Gauge Steel compare to other framing materials

- How to work with Light Gauge Steel on site

- NCC updates relating to Light Gauge Steel framing

Metframe Australia – Steel Frames & Trusses


3. Unlocking the Full Value of Frame & Truss; Presentation by Ian Hayward & Sashi Arjunan, Pryda

- The role of the nail plate supplier in the building process

- Essential compliance requirements for frame and truss

- Innovation and the future of timber framing

Pryda Australia - Specialises in timber truss and frame solutions


4. The Market, Modern Designs & Understanding the Hardie Architectural Collection

- The 2024 Australian Housing Market Update

- Introducing myHardies and the Hardie Application Guide; Joints & Junctions

- Understanding modern design trends

Global leaders in wall and floor building products | James Hardie


Each seminar begins at 7.30am for registration and will conclude at approximately 3pm.

**Early bird discount will close 3 weeks prior to the event** 

Terms & Conditions: Payment must be received with registration. A full refund will be made for cancellations advised in writing and received at least ten (10) working days prior to seminar. No refund can be made for cancellations received less than ten (10) working days prior to seminar. A no show on the day of the event will be considered a forfeit of registration fee. A name change or transfer to another CPD Seminar can be offered if notice is provided more than 48 hours outside of the event. The registration fee cannot be charged to MBA Membership accounts. If you require further clarification, please contact Multi-attendee rates must be paid for in full and cannot be split payments. Primary contact MUST be a member.


2024 CPD





castlehill cpd

    Interested in presenting?

    Each year, we select only four key presenters to deliver relevant and detailed topics that will assist builders to better understand current issues within the building and construction industry. These topics can be based on legislation, innovation and new products, key issues and changes that educate the industry.

    For further information on presenting at the CPD Series, please email the Regional Awards & Events Team - Rebeccah Kilmurray

    Interested in sponsorship?

    Our CPD Seminars are a high quality, educational series of events held throughout metropolitan and regional NSW. Continuing Professional Development is required for all residential and pool builders in NSW. Builders must earn 12 points per year to maintain their builders licence. 

    Sponsoring our CPD Seminars aligns your business with:

    • Education on a range of important topics
    • Innovation and creativity through new techniques/products or service
    • Helping our members grow their businesses successfully

    During our on-site seminars, there are four key times when you can promote your organisation to delegates:

    1. Registration

    2. Morning Tea

    3. Mid-Morning Break

    4. Lunch

    Sponsorship Packages include:

    • Display table in breakout area at venue
    • Company signage and banners at the designated table
    • Provide promotional material to attendees and lucky door prizes
    • Network with attendees throughout the day

    Best suited for Direct Sales

    Aligning your brand with the right seminar, innovation and support for our members is the best way to grow demand for your organisation’s products and services.

    For more information on sponsoring a CPD Seminar or other partnership opportunities, please contact NSW Partnerships Manager - Rebeccah Kilmurray -

    Contact Us


    Contact our new Regional Awards & Events Team to build your business profile and brand awareness through sponsorship of our key events; CPD Seminars, Industry Conference or Regional Excellence in Building Awards.

    Phone: 02 4953 9400